Celebrity Sightings

Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants 12 COMMENTS

Every so often, we at the MOKS get a special treat while perusing potential exhibits for our galleries. A celebrity sighting! It doesn’t happen a lot and since we’re woefully out of touch, we often don’t recognize a Hollywood deity when we see one. Luckily, our museum patrons are more on the ball concerning such matters.

A recent overlooked sighting involved Veronica Hamill from Hill Street Blues. (mad props to Deb and Dana, who uncovered it in the comments on that post)

And . . . uhh, that’s it so far.

Until now! I found one, all on my own. Check it out, a Partridge in a – hmmm . . . something clever that rhymes with “pear tree” that’s also fiber related.

Laurie Partridge, also known as Susan Dey, seems to have spent her share of time in ill-conceived handmades. Even with Sybil Shepherd lighting, this ensemble looks more like a medieval “discipline” device than a kicky spring outfit. It’s more of an Iron Junior Miss than an Iron Maiden, but still, I think it would leave a nasty mark. Don’t sit down, Laurie! Fight, dammit, you can do it!

Well, maybe it would have been better if she’d succumbed to the outfit festooned with Musket bullets. Then she wouldn’t be coated in a tangled mess of salt-water taffy. The more she fights, the worse it gets. Soon she’ll be ensconced in a cocoon of sticky sweets.

Alas, perhaps she would have been happier pupating inside a tasty boardwalk treat, yanking out teeth with every gooey bite of her delicious prison. Because the alternative? It’s worse. A mega-plaid pantsuit of pumpkin and aubergine. Delicious at thanksgiving, not so much when applied to a vest with matching knickers. ~shudder~

Because of our constant and crushing self-doubt, we weren’t entirely sure that this was actually her. And then we saw something at the end of the pattern book that assuaged all our doubts.

Behold the Partridge Family Tartan.

Hopefully we’ll find more celebs in the kitschy pages so we can bring them to you in all their glory. If ever you notice one in our galleries that we overlook, by all means, let us know.

Still need more Susan Partridge? Check this site out. It’s called the Museum of Menstruation and Women’s Health (I’m not really sure where they get the acronym “MUM”, but no matter) and I think you’ll enjoy it. Here you’ll see what other stuff poor Laurie Dey was subjected to during her career.