I’ve done it! I’ve broken free of my shackles! Ratchet and Clank had been beaten and I can get back to my prior preoccupation of knitting. Woo-hoo!
Thanks for all the great feedback on the MOKS. Once again, I’m flattered and delighted that people find it amusing. Also, you guys had Jon blushing and grinning up a storm with all your compliments on him in his new sweater. He is indeed adorable, especially when he’s blushing and grinning. I decided I liked the second picture, too. Something about the t-shirt sticking out is so cute. I hadn’t noticed that he wasn’t wearing a watch in the Sear pose until someone mentioned it. That makes it even better!
As it turns out, he really does like the sweater and has worn it a couple of times already. The only trouble is that he’s not so good at putting his clothes away and this is a Very Bad Thing* in our house. When he took it off one night, I asked if he put it somewhere safe from Dot’s Gaping Maw of Doom. He said yes. Minutes later, I found it on the bed. THE BED, people! He may as well have left it as a garnish on a silver platter of tuna with catnip sprinkled on it!! The next time he wore it, he put it in the drawer. Sort of. He left the arm hanging out! This simply won’t do. I’ll just have to do sweater recon whenever he wears it. War is hell.
So now that the sweater is done, I’m working on the Ostrich Plume Shawl, only the yarn I bought for it just didn’t work out. It’s weirdly variegated (the color changes every couple of inches) and looked like total crap. The pattern got completely lost in the muck and the individual stitches looked like little bugs. I knitted and ripped it out three times with three different sized needles and it just ain’t hap’nin’. I switched to using the Geisha I got a while ago and it’s better, but I made the mistake of trying to socialize while I worked from a chart. Bad news. So I had to rip out a few rows and it’s really fuzzy yarn, so you know how that story goes. Luckily I was in public when I did it, so no one was injured and what’s left of the shawl didn’t get flung, shredded, set afire, or stuffed into the litter box.
So the shawl is on hold until my murderous rage subsides. I do have some really pretty laceweight wool, but again, it varie-freaking-gated. Why do I always buy it? I always end up hating it! See Yarn Harlot’s post for more on this subject. She has great timing and saved me the trouble of expressing fustration myself. I owe her one. Perhaps I could pay her back with this lovely laceweight yarn I have . . .
To take my mind off the shawl, I started an alpaca scarf for my friend’s birthday later this month. I have ripped it out three or four times now. First the needle was too big, then the 1×1 rib didn’t look right, then I decided to try a cable and it looked lousy with the yarn (not variegated, but three different colors stranded together again, I ask you WHY??) and now I’m just doing a 2×2 rib and to hell with it. It’s actually looking pretty good, though I don’t know if it’s wide enough. Wait. Let me rephrase that. I don’t care if it’s wide enough. I’m just going to make it really long and that will compensate, right? (insert penis joke here) (insert joke about inserting penis joke here)
Well, at least I’m done with that video game, right?
*I just noticed that Blogger is acting funny and this link is not working right. If you have trouble, it’s the entry from 9/22, you can find it in the archives to the right. If you don’t know about Dot, this will help explain my distress about the sweater being left out.
I just looked at the Very Bad Thing post again and after looking at Santa’s after picture, I realized that the Dot makeover included eating Santa’s drawers too! It wasn’t bad enough he had to lose his arms, ears, part of his hat but his little plaid fanny is hanging out too!
Boy she put a lot of time and effort into this.
It’s good to hear you finished the game. I’m not allowed to buy it until I’m sure no one got it for me for Christmas…. that means I have to wait another (how many days till Christmas?) 38 days!?!?! I swear I’m getting a bit anxious!
Good luck with keeping Dot away from the sweater! I’ve never met a cat who chews things up like that!
I had a cat (she lives with the ex-husband now) who started stealing Christmas presents in order to get to the string they were decorated with. Then she broke into the box of wrapping supplies and took the entire spool of string – and then hid it so we couldn’t find it. She’d bring out a length of string and demand that we play with her with it (by doing things like shoving it under our butts or dragging it around in her mouth, you know, *normal* cat behavior) until it was so frayed that we’d throw it away. Then, miraculously, another piece of string would come out, and we’d start over again. I *never* figured out where she hid the spool, and this went on for over a year. The next year when I brought out the box with wrapping supplies, I had to keep all of my college textbooks on top of it otherwise I’d wake up to string and ribbon ALL over the house.
I just wanted to say hi!
I’m glad you are a free woman again and loved the MOKS gallery, this last one was the best one yet!
as for socializing interfering with knitting, apologies, but the scarf/shawl was so beautiful in a very pretty color, i hope you will not abandon it for much longer
*afears* Dot is the Anti-Christ!!
I have the same issues with variegated yarns. That’s why I hardly ever buy them. I also have the hardest time spelling variegated….
But you’re right about the scarf. Just make it longer and it will be trendy
Really long scarves are in right now. So go for it.
Are you knitting your penis scarf with the oompa loompa yarn? (eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww oompa loompa willies!) If so, let me know how it goes so I can benefit from your trials!
Another fab MOKS entry, by the way!
The men’s patterns All look gay. Do you suppose it was part of a plot to get gay men to knit? Except self respecting gay men wouldn’t wear any of these now. The Granny Square thing… especially. Eeeeeeeeewww.
Congrats on your success with Ratchet and Clank – I, too, was obsessed with that game. Didn’t get much knitting done while I was playing either!
Congrats on your success with Ratchet and Clank – I, too, was obsessed with that game. Didn’t get much knitting done while I was playing either!