You know how sometimes you have a few extra minutes during the day to just relax? For some reason a couple of years ago, I decided I don’t need those any more. I chose instead to fill up those minutes with a new project. This time, it was going to involve yarn AND paper, two of my favorite mediums. It turned out to be way more project than I could handle and I put it aside for a while, then the lovely Caro of Splityarn fame came to my rescue. She’s my knight in wooly armor, that one. This was definitely a two-person job and Caro was the best co-conspirator a gal could ask for.
So almost two years later (seriously, two years!) I am proud to announce that the project is complete and will be ready for public consumption soon! Hopefully by the third week in August. Think of it as a mix tape of vintage style, made with love just for you (and you, and you. Yes, you, too.)
I give you:

Knitting It Old School — 43 Vintage-Inspired Patterns!! We crammed this thing just as full as we could get, then we sat on it to make room and stuffed even more in. It’s available for pre-order now!!
Caro and I are delighted beyond words, so we’ll just be over here squealing for a little bit. It’s taken a long time, but we amassed some of the most amazing designers and commissioned some of the ass-kickiest designs you’ve ever seen. If you’re reading this blog, you’re going to love it. Love. It.
The cover design is by Marnie MacLean , the first knit-blogger I ever followed. Funny how that works out, isn’t it? The sweater is called “Saucy Convertible” because you can wear it a few ways. The model is named Camille and she and the other models we used are absolutely adorable. This book is colorful, light-hearted, and most of all, it’s chock full of retro goodness. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re feeling classic or kitschtastic. I swear.