Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On April - 2 - 2007   ShareThis

Mary and Jane were perplexed and vaguely amused by this strange new concept.

Color? On yarn? What an outlandish idea. Why would anyone do such a thing? After all, the sensible rainbow of yellows, browns, and off-yellowish-browns they’d dressed in all their lives had been plenty. This seemed almost . . . vulgar and unnecessary.

Unbeknownst to them, the Grande Dame of color, Miss Beulah Von Featherglitter (of the New Orleans Featherglitters), was standing right behind them. They didn’t know it yet, but their world was about to be rocked.

Categories: MOKS

11 Responses

  1. jelli says:

    i feel sorry for Mary, after than nasty accident with the yarn winder causing her to lose her leg below the knee…

    and having spent all her allowance on beige knits, she couldn’t afford a real prosthesis so had to make do with a chair for a leg ..

    Jane thinks its handy though as she often needs to just have abit of a sit down, specially after all the excitement of this new range of yarn

  2. maryse says:

    oh i’ve got nothin’

  3. Carson says:

    I especially like Ms. Featherglitter’s pose (the feet, the feet).

  4. Those girls better watch out! Ms. Featherglitter already has one body wrapped up in a rug – she’ll bury them in a yarn-a-lanch if they’re not careful.

  5. Lynn S. says:

    Lookit Miss Beulah’s dainty lil ankles! Seriously, she’s got great legs for a gal of a certain age.

    *why* do i notice these things…

  6. Jessica says:

    It looks like Jane is concerned that Mary is branching out. “But Mary,” she says, worry lacing her voice like powdered creamer in coffee, “we don’t like warm colors. Or really anything other than creams and shades thereof. Put it down dear.”

    But ever since that day in the yarn shop Mary has been ever more curious about the world outside of Jane’s house, and dare I say it, Jane’s bedroom?

  7. Ann says:

    I think Jane is concerned that Mary is checking out the fiber content, and might stray from 100% polyester. Could she be contemplating natural(gasp!) fibers?

  8. pixie says:

    Yarn store layouts having changed much in 20 years huh?

  9. Corinne says:

    Okay. I’m officially old. I may still own the booklet being mocked. I’m sure I knit a few sweaters out of it, too.

  10. Kitt says:

    jelli, you took my comment right out of my mouth! Saddest-looking prosthesis I’ve ever seen, but maybe handy at dinner parties.

  11. tundrachica says:

    Perhaps Mary and Jane are trying to determine what yarn would work and look best as a prosthetic.

    Love your site…and will keep reading for a good laugh!

    I dig the pics too! They are sooo groovy~

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