Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On January - 16 - 2009   ShareThis

Today I’m going to share a bit of my fabric stash. It’s like my coming out party! I recently got a few new pieces that I can’t wait to play with!

Can you stand it? Mice-A-Roni fabric! I mentioned briefly in the last post, it’s from the 70s and based on those Wacky Packages I love so well. I think this will end up as zippered pouches.

The pink fabric with chocolate apples may end up being iPhone cozies. I need to work out a pattern, but what could be a cuter cozy?

The big-headed kitten flannel is super soft, though I’m not really sure what it’s going to become. I’m a little hesitant to make a baby blanket out of it with all the crazy new CPSIA laws coming around the bend. It’s causing a lot of kerfuffle among crafters and small businesses that make handmade kids’ toys and clothes. New requirements for testing materials are really cost-prohibitive and could put a lot of people out of business. Hopefully an equitable resolution will be found that can keep kids safe and allow small businesses to carry on.

And here are more big-headed creatures. I don’t know what it is about the big heads. Honestly, if there were live creature with noggins of this magnitude, they’d probably be pretty frightening. And they would most assuredly be falling down all over the place. That little bluebird would never make it off the gound.

The pink polka-dotted fabric is pantsuit polyester all the way. I need to figure out a way to use it so it can best fulfill its kitsch potential. Kitschtential?

I also got this amazing piece of vintage Waverly Glosheen fabric called “Forest Friends”. Waverly Glosheen is one of my favorite vintage fabrics. The colors are always vibrant, the images are bright and fun, and the fabric itself if a joy to sew with. It’s a thick, rich cotton that takes stitches like a dream. They always look straight and perfect.

This image shows about 2 feet of the pattern that probably takes up about a yard. I only have a little over a yard, so it’s not going to be cut. This one is bound for a frame so I can hang it and enjoy it all the time.

Here are some details closer up. You can click the photos for a larger version. This piece is one of three “prize” bits of fabric I have. I’ll show you the other two sometime soon!

And check out this vintage ribbon trim. I’m going to make plain, solid zippered pouches with a strip of this ribbon along the bottom. Simple and cute, kind of outside of my somewhat chaotic norm. I think the lining will be red with white polka dots.

And last but not least – zippers! I always get the mystery assorted packs from Zipperstop because I can’t commit to specific colors. Something always ends up matching something, so it always works out. I love the candy-like quality of all the colors together.

Apparently I’m not the only one who finds them irresistible. These were only out for maybe 20 seconds before Dot took a liking to the green ones.

She’s nothing if not reliable. Oh, Dot. It’s a good thing you’re adorable.

6 Responses

  1. Kim says:

    There’s a link to some petitions to stop/fix that shitty legislation over at Knitsonya (last week?). I love all those fabrics especially the Mice-a-Roni. I had bell bottoms with assorted wacky packs on them. I loved those pants and still do. Wish I had them but wore them to death.

  2. Kathleen C. says:

    A thought regarding the big-head phenomena…
    In humans a child’s head is larger in proportion to their body than an adult’s. Though I don’t know that this is true among other animals, by making the exageration in head size anyway it gives them a “child-like” quality.
    Also a spooky-creepy-yikes-like quality.

  3. Alanna says:

    Dot has excellent taste! Is it possible that she was a craftster in a past life?

    I’m putting together a wool lovers’ day trip to New Hampshire this spring, and would love it if Stitchy could be part of the day… can you drop me an email?

  4. Juddie says:

    Oh! I’m so in love with that Glosheen fabric! (and of course, with Dot)…

  5. Laurie says:

    I just stumbled upon this little book of iron ons tonight that reminded me of your beloved retro fabric.

  6. twinsetjan says:

    We love your site! And to prove it, we nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger award. The details can be found over at our site —

    Thanks for the nostalgia!
    TwinSet Jan and TwinSet Ellen

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