Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On October - 19 - 2006   ShareThis



OK, more updates. Susan of NEEDLES‚ AND STASH‚ won’t be able to make Rhinebeck. Boooo! We hope she has a speedy recovery.‚ So if you have the card named either “Both7″ or “Sat1″, kindly replace Susan’s square with Tina of Phoenix Fiberworks.

Also, Debi of Wild and Wooly Fibers will only be attending on Saturday. She mentioned that she may hand her square off to a fellow guild member on Sunday. Debi is on the card named “Sun2″, so check her blog to read about her Sunday replacement.

I’m in New Jersey right now, blogging from the hotel. Very weird. Ever since I got rid of the notes I used for my presentation, it’s gotten WAY better! Turns out I work a lot better just kind of off-the-cuff.‚ I was at Barnes and‚  Noble in Paramus last night and it was a great time. They booked me on the same night as their regular knitting group and they’re a great bunch of folks. And I actually got some knitting in!

‚ I’ll write more about my stops after Rhinebeck. I can barely keep track in‚ my head, I just need to process it all, but I don’t think I’ll be able to until it’s all over.‚ For now, I need to find a post office and get ready to head off to Stix-n-Stitches!

7 Responses

  1. Risa says:

    Glad your off-the-cuff method is working better for you. I’ll be seeing you tonight at Stix-n-Stitches! You’ll be the first signing that I won’t have to schlep my twins to 😉

  2. --Deb says:

    I don’t know that I’m going to make it tonight, but I WILL still be at Rhinebeck on Saturday!! (grin)

  3. ginger_nut says:

    Hey stitchy –

    I found your book in a cute LYS near geelong (victoria, Australia) and had to buy it at once. I love your blog and it was the first place I saw MOKS so I had to snatch it up. It is so good that the non-knitter in my family and even some engineers I know kept stealing it off me to have a chuckle. Looking forward to MOKS2!

  4. maryse says:

    yay! glad to hear the tour is going well even without your faithful staff

  5. Adrian says:

    I can’t wait to see you at Rhinebeck!!

  6. Stephanie says:

    Debi is also on my card, Both 4.

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