Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On October - 10 - 2006   ShareThis

Two more dates have been added on the 19th and 20th! I’ll be making my way from Paramus to Rhinebeck by way of Montclair, NJ and Cold Springs, NY! Here’s a look at the schedule en masse. Join me as we take a look at some real kitschy artifacts. We’ll laugh, learn and love over the madness of granny squares.

10/13 – Cambridge, MA – PORTER SQUARE BOOKS, 7pm (25 White St)

10/14 – West Hartford, CT – SIT-N-KNIT, 1pm (33 LaSalle Rd)

10/18 – Paramus, NJ – BARNES & NOBLE, 7:30pm (765 Rt 17 S)

10/19 – Montclair, NJ – Stix-n-Stitches, 7:00 (211 Glenridge Ave)

10/20 – Cold Springs, NY – Knittingsmith, 3:00 (35 Chestnut St)

10/21, 22 – NY Sheep and Wool Festival – A Craftsman’s Touch Alpaca/RedMaple Spotswear, Booth 39D, 11-12 and 2-3 both days

10/28 (may change) – Concord, NH – THE ELEGANT EWE, 1pm (71 S. Main St)

9 Responses

  1. Will the clowns be at Porter Square books this weekend? Because if they are, I’m not… 😉

    Friday the 13th and Clowns just don’t mix!

  2. April says:

    texas is so far from the good stuff

  3. Carson says:

    I’m de-lurking as they say.
    To let you know your last 3 posts had gave me a much needed laugh. Not just a “lol” but the full on snorting belly laugh kind. I was still giggling like a schoolgirl an hour later.
    (I was tired).
    Thankyou and keep up the good work.

  4. Monica says:

    Can’t wait to see you next Thursday. Did I mention I have an online class that time which is perfect because I can be at two places at the same time? I love technology.

  5. dcsurfergirl says:

    Are you ever coming to the DC metro area? That would be fun! Bring the clowns! Love the blog. Thanks for the repressed memories!

  6. Michelle says:

    I wish you the best with your travels!

  7. Deborah says:

    The picture I took of you at Rhinebeck came out so nice. Before I use it on my blog, I’d like to get your permission.

  8. I sent my cousin your book by priority mail this morning,I can’t wait for her reaction!!!!!!

  9. Amy says:

    *whines* But when are you going to come to northern California?

    Kepler’s Books, babe. Menlo Park. Be there and I’ll get books signed for all the knitters, would-be knitters, and lovers of fug in my life.

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