Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On May - 25 - 2006   ShareThis

I don’t know if it’s the parched, dangling tongues or the crudely shapen appendages, but something just isn’t sitting well. These two are making me uncomfortable. The cup-to-nipple ratio is all off with that bikini, and her boyfriend’s pantlessness seems so unnecessary. Couldn’t he at least have worn underwear? We’re trying to fill a toy box here, not a swingers lounge.

Categories: MOKS

5 Responses

  1. maryse says:

    when you put clothes on animals, it becomes obvious that they’re really naked.

  2. anne says:

    or maybe it’s just that they are blue—and what’s up with the aran tank top?? is that some kind of knitter/biker thing?

  3. MadameD says:

    Yeah, that “I want to be a hip, summer version of a fisherman’s sweater” really is bothersome.
    Maybe it’s covering his swim trunks? One can only hope.

  4. Shell says:

    It’s like when Donald Duck gets out of the bath and wraps a towel around his waist. But he normaly goes around with the bottom part uncovered.
    Now what would have been great is having 4 bikini tops around the girl dog’s waist!

  5. April says:

    OMG – by the time I got to this post from the top I was crying my eyes out. I guess I better go find them =P

    keep up the good work

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