Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On September - 22 - 2006   ShareThis




OK, I’ve been writing blog post after blog post for the past two weeks, but they never seem to make it out of my head. And the pictures never seem to make it to the camera.‚ But today, I will remedy that. But not right now. I’m about to head off on the third attempt to give my book to my high school creative writing teacher. I keep missing him. The bummer is that I’m from NH, which means I have to drive an hour to get there. (yes, I know I should just make an appointment with him, but what fun is that?)

‚ Anyhoo, I just wanted to post a reminder that I’ll be doing my first signing at the Barnes and Noble in Hadley, MA this Saturday (holy crap, that’s tomorrow!) at 2:00. It’s just half an hour away from Webs, so I don’t see how you can resist. The address is 335 Russell Street.

It’ll be a multimedia extravaganza with words,‚ images, real live artifacts from the Traveling Trunk Show, and me, sweating and trembing with horror before your very eyes. Should be a good time. Hope to see you there!

I’ll be back later today, I swear.


10 Responses

  1. Martha says:

    I can’t go! I’m so sorry. Rosh Hashanah + anniversary = weekend plans. I am sure you will be a huge success! Plant the crew in the front row and talk to them just like you’re at a party, only occasionally look up to acknowledge the rest of the room. Oh, and talk way slower than you think you have to. That’s all the public speaking advice I have to give. I’m there with you in spirit!

  2. Monica says:

    I can’t make it but break a leg!!! Oh, btw, your sheepy poop paper post gave me really bizarre dreams the other night…

  3. Carole says:

    Break a leg! Or a knitting needle or crochet hook or something. Wish I could be there but I’ll be cheering you on in spirit.

  4. Dorothy B says:

    Best of luck on the book signing!

  5. melanie says:

    gah. so sad. miss debbie.

  6. maryse says:

    yay! i’ll be there!!!!! is it time to go yet?

  7. Mintyfresh says:

    good luck, stitchy! you’ll knock ’em dead.

  8. benedetta says:

    gee, what bad planning on my part!
    can’t be there!

    but I am reading MOKS, and having the best time! thank you for such a great book!

  9. heather says:

    Hope it went well! I went to college in that neck of the woods – it’s a great area, I am sure you had many a happy yarny-book types.

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