Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On May - 30 - 2006   ShareThis

At long last, I’m free from the shackles of Charmin! Take that, underwear overlords! Finally, someone has addressed my need for a garment that is both fashionable and convenient. I’m done wasting time with “bathrooms” and “hygiene” and “common decency”. Who’s with me?!

4 Responses

  1. Shell says:

    Well they’ve thrown off the shackles of hygine in my work place, why not the world?

  2. April says:

    I’m wondering if they did that on purpose for some psychotic twisted joke…


  3. BernaWeaves says:

    And it’s pee-green, too.

  4. John Davis says:

    …if your “pee” is THIS green, it’s time to see a doctor :)

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