Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On May - 22 - 2006   ShareThis

So you’ve replaced everything useful in your home with clever yarn replicas, have you? Excellent. Now you can start with the more mundane items around the house. Daisies are always nice, but so overdone. How about some used, crumpled tissues fashioned from the finest cashmere? Beetle carapaces take on a decidedly feminine look when you knit them in pink silk. And nothing says home cookin’ like a nice bowl of macaroni and cheez, but you won’t have to worry about accidentally snorting up that packet of day-glo orange powder when it’s made in luxurious Egyptian cotton thread. We wouldn’t want a repeat of last year’s unpleasant incident, now would we?

Categories: MOKS

9 Responses

  1. maryse says:

    mmmm mac n cheese

  2. Miss Kitty says:

    Thank you for making me laugh so hard I pulled an abdominal muscle!

    In all seriousness…I think the beer can tissue cozy would look really cute in my office with Pabst Blue Ribbon cans and tacky yarn colors. I’m a college professor down South and am decorating my office a la Redneck Chic. So far it’s been a great hit with students and colleagues alike.

  3. ladylinoleum says:

    Are you speaking of my domicile??? LMAO…so damn funny!

  4. Nora says:

    DH asked: “What are you knitting, dear? I answered: “Mac n cheese, of course.” The men in the little white coats showed up about 30 minutes later to take me to my new home, where the medication is good and the livin’ is easy.

  5. Molly says:

    got any patterns for a spare-roll-of-toilet-paper cozy? (she whined)

  6. AmyinBC says:

    Oh MY. I think I have found the source of my beloved late Nana’s patterns. I had a beer label cap! I had a Phentex vest! Sure brings it all back.

  7. Khole says:

    It looks like maggots have got to the Mac n Cheez.

  1. […] The one really amusing change that has taken place since the switch to formula is that my children now smell like Mac N Cheese. It took me days to place the smell, but it is the unmistakable powdered milk smell that comes with your garden variety comfort food. Speaking of Mac N Cheese, have you seen the knitted variety yet? […]

  2. […] This post, over on Handmaid Trash made me laugh and wince all at the same time. […]

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