Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On May - 31 - 2006   ShareThis

Looks like Steve at The Sneeze has solved all of our sheep and wool‚ problems!

He’s found an Amazing Sheep that’s compact enough to live indoors and all it needs is a little water to produce it’s glorious, albeit somewhat pulpy, fleece!

If this works as well as I just know it is, knitters may very well be responsible for the deforestation of the entire planet! W00t!

6/1/05 – Update! Well, it looks like it’s back to the‚ fiber festivals,‚ people.‚ Turns out that “Amazing” now means “Really itchy, possibly infected”. Must be one of those new “hip” words the kids are using nowadays. (ie,‚ “Ohmygod. Like, that new skin-tight fun-fur body suit makes you look rilly, rilly amazing.”)

4 Responses

  1. Melanie says:

    That is too funny! I love the webcam. :-)

  2. maryse says:

    very cool. hey steve is looking to buy a mini. that totally rocks.

  3. michellenyc says:

    UM – THANK YOU FOR TAKING ME TO THE SNEEZE!! i never knew about that site!!! i missed the wool growing but i am awaiting the film with baited breath – or maybe my teeth are just furry and need brushing

  4. MadameD says:

    OKay, now I want my very own “Amazing Sheep”, just so I can check it out!
    Though, it’d probably just sit around and mold, and 6 months later I’d throw it out and wonder why I hadn’t earlier…

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