Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On October - 4 - 2006   ShareThis


That’s right kids, I’m heading for the big city! I’ll be exhibiting the MOKS Traveling Trunk Show and signing books at Barnes and Noble in Park Slope this Friday evening, October 6th at 7:30. Be there or . . . be somewhere else. But I’d really rather you be there.

Friday, October 6 – 7:30pm

BARNES & NOBLE 267 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

For the rest of the tour dates, click here. (link is on the left sidebar)


5 Responses

  1. Martha says:

    God, that taxi sweater is awful. Even for the 80’s.

    Have a great time in NYC!

  2. Chris says:

    Oh, I love it – you’re coming to my area soon. I’ll be there (but no granny square vest for me – although – hee – there is potentially time…)

  3. Maia says:

    Any chance you’ll visit us on the west coast?

    And, more importantly, will you get your hair cut like the “taxi” woman?

  4. Have fun in Brooklyn! They’ll love ya, baybe! Have you connected with TooMuchWool?

  5. Nishanna says:

    Hey! yes it is the same piece i was knitting at B&N. My natural knitter instint is to say, “oh well, it’s not that big and really it’s the simplest pattern…”yadda but really, thank you!

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