Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On April - 10 - 2007   ShareThis



Oh. My. Gaaawwwwwwdd!

I got nominated for a Webby Award.

What do I do? Do I look ok? How’s my hair? Do I look fat?‚ I totally look fat.‚ I’m all twitchy. I’m in the same company as Cute Overload, people. My Cute Overlords.

‚ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


oh crap, that means I’d better step it up around here.


Oh, and there’s also a People’s Voice Award where everyone can vote for their favorite in each category! If I win either‚ the award‚ judged by a panel‚ (that includes people like Beck, David Bowie, and Matt Freaking Groening), or People’s Voice “Weird” category, I get to go to the Gala Event. It’s hosted by Rob Corddry from The Daily Show. Prince was there last year. Stephen Colbert is nominated this year. Maybe he’ll show up.

Seriously? I’m totally geeking out. I mean seriously, I’m beside myself.‚ How cool would it be to have knitter representation at the Webby Awards? And how fantastic would it be to wear some amazing knitted creation? Holy cow, my yarny senses are tingling . . .

So, you know. Vote for me! If you like me. You like me, right?

Voting ends on April 27th, so don’t forget!!




33 Responses

  1. melanie says:


    You’re so freakin’ cool!!!

  2. ErickaJo says:

    You’ve totally got my vote, my dear. Go on, show the web what fug is 😉

  3. pippi says:


    You look smashing, by the way!!!

  4. elisa says:

    Dewd. I totally voted for you. And you were TOTALLY in the lead. Yay!

  5. elisa says:

    Oh, and also – did you see that Stephanie has a t-shirt that says “All ur yarn are belong to us”?

  6. Ewe-niss says:

    You got my vote. I don’t understand why you are in the Wierd category.

    You look lovely, Darling – but there is a little smutz on your left cheek. You may want to get that. :-)

  7. martha marin says:

    Hee hee.
    I know you.
    I’m going to start throwing that casually into everyday conversation.

    IE: Grocery store deli counter

    me: Hmmm. I guess I’ll take a pound of that smoked turkey.

    Deli guy: Ok.

    me: Yeah, turkey. Totally. I think my friend Stitchy McYarnpants would agree, turkey is the way to go.

    Deli guy: Uh… sure.

    me: Yeah, my friend Stitchy McYarnpants. She likes turkey. I had a turkey sandwich with her once. It was awesome. She was all “Do you want some of this turkey?” And I was all “yeah, like, thanks.”

    Deli guy: Here’s your turkey.

    me: *shaking head* Oh that Stitchy. She’s really funny. I’m just thinking about something she said one time. It was SO funny.

    Deli guy: Next?

  8. minnie says:

    i voted, and you were still in the lead. woohoo!

  9. Carole says:

    Congratulations! Of course I like you. I even voted for you. 😉

  10. maryse says:

    you are in the weird category though.


    i’ve got to go vote now.

    • Joyce says:

      MOtaz قال:لا استطيع تثبيت اللعبة ….. هل من مساعدة ؆ؘŸØ¹ÙÂÂدŸ™Â…Ãç اقوم بتثبيت اللعبة … يفشل التثبيت … وتظر لم يتم تثبيت التطبيق !!!! شو السبب ؟؟ ……. علما ان جهازي xperia mini pro sk17i

    • Ola LarissaForça.. garota.. e fique tranquila.. o bicho não tão feio quanto pintam, rsrs.. eu fiz lipo e abd no dia 18-12-2011.. não tive natal e nem ano novo.. mas me recuperei super rapido com 15 dias estava trab. e dirigindo devagar…. a primeira semana e brabinho, até se acostumar com o dreno e com a cinta.. que aconcelhoooo.. aperte sempre… toda semana.. eu fiz isso pq a minha fisio falava e brigava comigo.. e isso foi otimo.. hj com 41 dias de cirurgia e com 67cm de cintura, acredite.. estou a disposição se precisar.. .Boa recuperação.. e pense.. logo passa.. Fique com DeusBjosVal

  11. Kathy says:

    We like you, we really like you!

  12. Mintyfresh says:

    oh, stitchy!! i am so happy for you.

  13. Marcy says:

    Go Yarnpants! I voted! 😀

  14. Cheryl says:

    Yay! I voted too!

  15. Carrie says:

    Congrats, girlie! You got my vote. :)

  16. Leanne says:

    Of course we like you. What I don’t understand is why there is are no craft-related categories. Have these people not figured out what a force we are?

  17. Leanne says:

    Oh yeah, and I did vote for you btw. You’re currently in 2nd place, behind Cute Overload.

  18. Helen says:

    Tell me you’ll wear one of those freaky ski masks you blogged about.

  19. caro says:

    You are a total rockstar. So effin’ cool.

    I voted! (And I voted for you)

  20. Terri Lynn says:

    Oh wow! Oh wow! Yeppie, skippy-do! Don’t forget some dippity-do, your best Polly – Esther look for the evening! And oh, my, look at the comments and hits a flyin’ you way. C.H.O.K.E(Cultural Humiliation Of Knitters Everywhere) is in and I think we can thank Acrylic Yarn! Hippie, Yuppie gone Sluppies are on your doorstep, peering in your window to seek all the gobbily *** of patterns on that late-great much sought-after oil-based (belching, money grubbing) substance ACRYLIC!!!!!!!

    Yep, that’s my comment on the Webby site for you dear heart. You totally bring joy to my heart, soul, and spirit. Also to my hands which are still tired from the acrylic stiffness I so endured of that era!

    God, I wish I had kept that florescent acrylic worsted weight and the bikini top I had mad of it, I could have whipped you up somethin’ special for the event.

    And don’t feel bad, I totally relate, I had people calling me weird back then and still….Oh Muffin’ it’ll be okay, but….

    GO WEIRD!!!!!!

  21. Dorothy B says:

    I just came over from there. I saw the blurb on Cute Overload and went there to vote for them, but when I saw you were nominated, I changed my vote tout suite!

  22. ladylinoleum says:

    That? Is outstanding! Going to vote now.

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