Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On June - 8 - 2006   ShareThis


(before continuing, click for mood music –>‚ Tubular Bells)

Perhaps before Fathers Merrin and‚ Karras took a crack a little Regan, they should’ve asked Sister Mary Katherine‚ Go-Go Boots here to give her a stern talking to.


The Power of Acrylic compels you!

The Power of Acrylic compels you!

The Power of Acrylic compels you!



Categories: MOKS

6 Responses

  1. Inky says:

    scarier than the original Exorcist. If the nuns had looked like that when I was in catholic school perhaps I’d not be so frightened now. eek!! (music is a nice touch btw)

  2. Jen says:

    Well, it is not as scary as the murdering hobo and clown puppets, but it is close. Can we have something silly and fun again???

  3. maryse says:

    i had boots like that once

  4. dude – the music? perfect.

  5. Stephieface says:

    The Power of Acrylic compels you!


  6. MadameD says:

    The music-just the perfect touch we come to expect around here!

    “The Power of Acrylic Compels You!” is TOTALLY my new mantra!

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