Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On November - 8 - 2006   ShareThis


There are many reasons to feel like this today, not the least of which is the Democratic sweep of the House and most likely the Senate. And the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld and hopefully a better handle on the situation in Iraq. And that we have the first ever female Speaker of the House. Our future is looking brighter than ever.

And on a more personal note, well – ask Marnie.


(to be continued when I’m more able to retain my bodily functions.)


16 Responses

  1. Julia says:

    Congrats! I left a comment with Marnie, too, but I wanted to invite you to my house for a spin/knit-in that we’re having in honor of Marnie’s (sadly brief) return to LA on Saturday the 9th if you’re still in town. We usually start around 2:00 p.m. and go long into the night (midnight, even – scary, huh?). It’s a good time.

    Your book absolutely slayed me. A non-knitting friend brought it over, and we sat together and guffawed. It’s on my wish list, though if I have a chance to see you I will run out and buy it before Christmas so that you can sign a copy.

    Break a leg at Knitty Gritty.

  2. Carole says:

    Get out! You will be fabulous!

  3. maryse says:

    look at you getting invited to fancy LA parties now. do you need me to come with you? i mean like an entourage maybe? body guard? someone to hold your purse?

  4. scout says:

    Cool!! Congratulations!

  5. Sara says:

    Crap! Now I have to shell out the money for cable – Damn you Stitchy – why do you have to be so cool and TV worthy! – kidding, I luv ya! and am wicked thrilled for you!

  6. Carol S. says:

    So cool! Make sure to post when you know what day it’s on….

    Now I’m especially glad I met you at Stitches. I love to hobnob with the famous.

  7. Marnie says:

    I am doing the Homer dance as we speak, for all those reasons. I think we’ll make a dynamic duo, minus the spandex and masks, of course.

    Oh and Julia throws a grand get-together. I hope you can pencil us in.

  8. Mel says:


    How very exciting! Will it come out on DVD? Will it be available on Netflix? ‘Cause I don’t know if we mentioned, but that’s about the only way we ever see anything on TV, and I’d really like to watch it.

  9. Dorothee says:

    You have no idea what high hopes the Democtrats’ win raises in the rest of the world!

  10. elisa says:

    What’s wrong with spandex and masks? In fact, you’d probably get the HIGHEST RATED KNITTY GRITTY EVA if you both wore spandex and masks…

    Beer Can Masks, maybe?

  11. ErickaJo says:

    Man, curse my tv-less ways! I need to find someone to tape that. I don’t imagine I’ll want to wait for the DVD.

    NH elected our first congress woman, how cool is that? I spent Tuesday night watching my one tv station for that news :)

  12. Kellee says:

    Dude. What Maryse said. 😉

  13. VW says:

    You just lost a reader. Talk about knitting please, but the politics? byebye

  14. Andrea says:

    I’m not sure if you’re really busy, or your spam filter doesn’t like me, but I sent you a photo of a funny sweater. Did you get it? (E-mail me when you have time… I’m pretty sure you’ll get this, so I’ll stop pestering you now. 😉 )

  15. Laurie says:

    Congratulations! Perspective will come when you have too much time to enjoy it. It is the human condition.

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