Posted by Stitchy McYarnpants On April - 14 - 2007   ShareThis

Once the walls had been covered in aluminum foil and she was able to tan from the comfort of her own home, Paloma McYarnpants was ready to decorate! She spent weeks digging thorough the dumpsters at local art galleries until finally, her dream living room was complete.

If only she’d known about the upcoming auction at the Museum of Bad Art. Then she wouldn’t have had to wade through all that discarded brie and pate.

She could really use one of these to class up the place.

(yes, this will be up for auction. I know! Can you believe it?!)

Also, as a side note, I will be attending this auction and if anyone dares to outbid me on this, there’s gonna be a problem.

Categories: MOKS

8 Responses

  1. KarenK says:

    Ah, it’s a seat for your buns!

  2. Louise says:

    There’ll be some heated bidding on that toilet seat. We have a remote bidder already registered. She’ll be on the phone, bidding against you.

    This auction is going to be filmed for the upcoming documentary on the Museum of Bad Art. So wear your most photogenic clothes!

    Louise Sacco
    Permanent Acting Interim Executive Director
    Museum of Bad Art

  3. maryse says:

    dear santa,
    i’ve been a very good girl this year. please bring me a picture of a girl with the face of a clown.


  4. Is that Bill Murray dressed a a girl clown!! That better be for charity cuz otherwise thats just sick. 😉

  5. tundrachica says:

    Mmmm…gotta get to the Museum of Bad Art and get me some of that decorating decor for me-self! It’s sooooo Groovy-licious!

  6. tasha. says:

    I am quite positive I have never seen such a wonderful toilet seat in my entire life. I may have just peed my pants a little.

  7. Chris says:

    Congrats on winning the stichy skiier! Quite a piece! Will you post pictures of your finds?

  8. Andrea says:

    that child-clown is horrifying, but I kindasorta want that toilet seat.

    But I’ll be nice and let you have it.

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